Monday, September 26, 2011

Pico time

Heyy guys make sure u go on pico tomorrow bout 1:00 maybe? cause I'm holding a smashing P A R T Y WHOOT be sure 2 come


My twin, me and my son


Me and my twin ஐ.இ Brie


Hey guess what! I am getting 2100ag!!!!!!!!!! and guess what I AM TURNING MY ROOM INTO HOTEL! its called ßlµê Mððñ Hð†êl make sure to come and check it out soon! might get ag this Thursday? but still soooo excited I would like to thank my sis on pico ஐ.இ Brie (my twin) for the name of the hotel and her great ideas and encouragement! I am expanding to DRUM ROLL PLEASE 16x16! WOW

                                                                   Cost for Hotel so far......
expansion...... 500AG!
3 shaded blocks........150AG!
glass blocks...............1100AG!!!!!!!!!!! wow
glass stairs .........................40AG wow so less
Nightclub (blue) wallpaper 200AG!

LEFT OVER AG DRUM ROLL........................110AG! (needed for decor)


my new hair and my skin is darker xD


I want to give a shout out to Miss Medical the best pico ever! She made the first medical hospital in pico! Her hospital helps lots of sick picos and she has lots of kind DRs and nurses if your sick you can go there. You can find her room in the top 30 if your lucky you might find me and her hanging around there! But she rarely talks to anyone! Be sure to check it out!